< GalaXy >

My Projects


Icey is a multi-purpose Discord bot made with Discord.py (v1.7.3). It was made exclusively for the IceTeam community (The dominant language is Romanian, not English)

Source code:  here


Hex-o-Bot is a general-purpose Discord bot made with Discord.py (v1.7.3). It focuses on moderation and also has somewhat a bit of currency (still in development).

Source code:  here
Invite link:  here

⭐This website ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah, this may not seem like it, but I have made the entire website all by myself. It may also not seem like too much effort, but it's a project I have been working on for long, so it counts!

Source code:  here

A learning RPS game

Have fun playing a "normal" game of Rock Paper Scissors against a robot.

Play the game + Source code:  here


MultiGame is a game which contains other games. Updates have been very delayed due to forgotting about this project, but you can still play it.

Play the game + Source code:  here